Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Week in Review

I have spent quite a bit of time this week discussing the future of the jail with community leaders. I am encouraged by what they had to say, and I am very optimistic we will be able to put this issue behind us and move forward.

It was a relatively short week with the MLK holiday on Monday, but it did NOT seem any shorter. I spent the week putting out small "fires." With my lovely wife going back to full-time employment, it is taking a little time to get adjusted to new schedules and responsibilities in keeping up with three kids!

We held probate court on Wednesday (instead of the normal Tuesday docket) due to some scheduling issues. I was able to assist one of our statutory county court judges with arraignment, and I always like learning something new. I was also asked to sign some arrest warrants. I have tried to make it known to all the local law enforcement officers that I am willing to take those types of calls anytime, and it is starting to work. We have had several late night phone calls from officers needing arrest warrants or search warrants in the middle of the night, and I have been more than happy to oblige.

I attended this week's TEDC Executive Committee meeting, and it is exciting to hear about all the good things that are going on in the community. I was also able to attend Perryman's Economic Forecast luncheon on Friday, and it was refreshing to hear his opinion that the national media has it wrong in predicting a recession. He says it is not going to happen.

We held a special meeting on a proposed interlocal agreement with the city of Tyler on Thursday. The interlocal agreement is related to Stormwater Discharge, and our main concern was the cost to the county. We were able to make some changes to the interlocal, and it was approved. I had some very productive planning meetings this week with department heads and other elected officials. Smith County needs a Strategic Plan, and I hope to have it implemented in the next budget.

I broke my own rule Friday by writing a letter to the editor of the Tyler newspaper. I hated to do it because of the precedent it sets, but I felt it was necessary to clarify my actions related to the salary plan after reading several letters to the editor this week. I always said I would not respond or write a letter myself because if you do it once it will always be expected. Anyway, I hope that is not the case. I don't like responding unless a person writes a letter directly to me. I hope the letter appears unedited in Sunday's paper. I just regret that this issue has taken the focus off of the good changes that are being made in county government.

Mel has to work Saturdays now, so I got to have the kids all to myself. I enjoyed seeing their improvements on the basketball court today. G-man stayed with Pops and Mamaw and took a two hour nap... thank goodness! It made the afternoon b-ball games a lot more enjoyable!

Well, it is time to kiss the kids goodnight and get things ready for church tomorrow. By the way, if you don't have a church home, please accept my invitation to join us at Marvin. We have an outstanding pastoral staff, and there is a place for everyone. Let me know if you want to sit by a big noisy family.

I hope everyone has a great week!

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